Working in Partnership

As part of the healthy living partnership based at The Balsam Centre, The Charity is able to work with a wide range of agencies and practitioners from all sectors. These include mental health support networks, health visiting teams, foundation stage teachers, family support workers, counsellors, volunteer coordinators and project workers. The Charity has also formed partnerships outside of the healthy living partnership. These include local primary and secondary schools, pre-schools, mental health teams, the probation service, youth offending teams and voluntary sector organisations including many local volunteer-managed mutual support groups. Many of our clients are referred to us via these agencies.

One of the aims is to ensure that activities at the centre relevant to a person's needs and aspirations are advertised and available.  There are a wide range of activities and services available.

When referred to a service your client will be supported:

  • By a qualified, experienced and supervised Horticultural Therapist
  • By other centre based practitioners working in mental health and employment support
  • To experience purposeful and rewarding physical activity
  • To develop their own programme in line with their aspirations and care plans
  • To reflect on strengths that enabled them to overcome past crises and begin developing strategies for coping during future crises
  • To improve self-esteem, confidence and motivation through successful contribution to a community project
  • On a journey based on dynamic progression, beginning with a high level of support, through to more independent gardening
  • To progress to volunteering
  • To return to any point in the journey where they felt safe, secure and supported
  • To focus on existing skills and abilities, learning new, transferable skills through horticulture and other centre activities


What is Social and Therapeutic Horticulture?

Our Impact

For further information how we work:

NHS practitioners click here
Schools and pre-schools click here

Supported Sessions

  • New Beginnings
  • Monday 10am – 3pm
    For people experiencing severe and enduring mental health problems 

  • Supported Gardening
  • Tuesday
    10am – 4pm
    Clients attending with their own support 

    1.30pm – 3.30pm  
    Inter-generational flower arranging

  • Supported Gardening
  • Wednesday Drop-in
    10am - 4pm
    For people experiencing: Depression, Learning Disability, Memory Problems, Social Isolation, Low Self-esteem, any disability or disadvantage.

  • Pre-school and Primary School
  • Tuesday
  • Food growing, social & emotional development